One to one-to-one will provide the resources that peer tutors are likely to require to perform their role well.

Why One to one-to-one? Well, a peer tutor typically works 1:1 with a student.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Status of 2008 Peer Tutoring Course

We have had Peer tutoring at Otago Polytechnic for a number of years. In this post I'd like to clarify its current status according to my most recent understanding (does that sentence make sense?).

But before that:
  1. We want it to occur (to benefit students who need help)
  2. We want tutors to be financially compensated
  3. We want tutors to have access to peer tutor training
  4. We want tutors to receive academic recognition for above training
Of late (i.e. 2007) the training was provided and undertaken online via the blog Students Tutoring Students, set up by Helen Lindsay. It was provided as concurrent training (while tutoring). This year (2008) , tutors were given access to those online resources, encouraged to use them, and bring any concerns to me, William Lucas.

I had intended to enroll active tutors this September (2008) for the Peer Tutoring Course, but it is probably too late for that. This year, therefore, committing to a formal course will not be necessary (or possible).

In 2009, it appears that the model we shall most likely follow is as follows (attention students and staff who are planning to return!):

All volunteer tutors who sign up shall complete a path of study form that indicates their intention to complete the Peer Tutoring Course, concurrent with their tutoring, but will only be required to commence this after their first few hours of tutoring.

In practice this means that the first 'unit' of work must be completed after the first hour, the second after the second, et cetera, until the entire number of approximately 7 units have been concluded.